Object-Oriented Programming with Go
Object-Oriented Programming with Go
Go is a language that was designed with a focus on simplicity and efficiency, and as such, it does not have built-in support for traditional object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts such as inheritance and polymorphism. However, Go does have some features that can be used to achieve similar functionality in a more flexible and lightweight way.
The primary feature in Go that supports OOP-style programming is struct embedding. Struct embedding allows a struct to include another struct as a field, effectively inheriting its fields and methods. This can be used to create a type hierarchy similar to that used in traditional OOP languages.
For example, consider the following code:
type Animal struct {
Name string
func (a *Animal) Speak() {
fmt.Printf("%s says hi!\n", a.Name)
type Dog struct {
func main() {
d := Dog{Animal{Name: "Fido"}}
In this example, the Animal struct defines a single field Name and a method Speak(). The Dog struct embeds Animal, effectively inheriting its Name field and Speak() method. We can create a new Dog instance and call its Speak() method, which is implemented by the Animal struct.
Another feature that supports OOP-style programming in Go is interfaces. Interfaces allow a type to declare a set of method signatures that other types can implement. This can be used to achieve polymorphism, as a variable of an interface type can hold any value that implements that interface.
For example:
type Speaker interface {
type Animal struct {
Name string
func (a *Animal) Speak() {
fmt.Printf("%s says hi!\n", a.Name)
type Dog struct {
func (d *Dog) Speak() {
fmt.Printf("%s barks!\n", d.Name)
func main() {
animals := []Speaker{
&Animal{Name: "Fido"},
&Dog{Animal{Name: "Rex"}},
for _, a := range animals {
In this example, we define an interface called Speaker that declares a single method Speak(). The Animal and Dog structs both implement this method, allowing them to be used interchangeably as values of type Speaker. We create a slice of Speaker instances and call the Speak() method on each one in a loop, demonstrating polymorphism.