
Char in Go

· Anas Ahmad & GPT

Char in Go

In Go, a character is represented by a single UTF-8 encoded Unicode code point. This is typically a 32-bit integer value, although for some code points it may be a 16-bit or 8-bit value.

To declare a character variable in Go, we can use the rune type, which is an alias for the int32 type and is used to represent a single Unicode code point. For example:

var ch rune = 'A'
fmt.Printf("%c\n", ch) // prints "A"

In this example, we declare a rune variable named ch and assign it the Unicode code point for the capital letter “A”. We then print the character using the %c format specifier, which outputs the corresponding Unicode character.

Go also provides several built-in functions for working with characters, such as len(), strconv.QuoteRune(), and unicode.IsDigit(). For example:

ch := '1'
fmt.Println(len(string(ch))) // prints "1"

quoted := strconv.QuoteRune(ch)
fmt.Println(quoted) // prints "'1'"

isDigit := unicode.IsDigit(ch)
fmt.Println(isDigit) // prints "true"

In this example, we declare a rune variable named ch and assign it the Unicode code point for the digit “1”. We then use the len() function to get the length of a string containing the character, the strconv.QuoteRune() function to get a quoted representation of the character, and the unicode.IsDigit() function to check if the character is a digit.

Find a character in a string

To look for a specific letter in a string in Go, you can iterate over each character in the string and check if it matches the desired letter. Here’s an example:

func containsLetter(str string, letter rune) bool {
    for _, ch := range str {
        if ch == letter {
            return true
    return false

func main() {
    str := "hello world"
    letter := 'o'
    if containsLetter(str, letter) {
        fmt.Printf("The string '%s' contains the letter '%c'\n", str, letter)
    } else {
        fmt.Printf("The string '%s' does not contain the letter '%c'\n", str, letter)

In this example, we define a function called containsLetter() that takes a string and a letter (rune) as arguments and returns true if the string contains the letter and false otherwise. The function iterates over each character in the string using a for loop, and checks if the character matches the desired letter using an if statement.

We then call the containsLetter() function in the main() function with a test string and letter, and print a message indicating whether the string contains the letter or not.

Note that in Go, a string is represented as a sequence of bytes, so we need to convert the string to runes in order to compare them with the desired letter. This is done automatically by the for loop in the containsLetter() function.